What does being 'Certified' mean?                                      

         Becoming Certified means you have been through the 2 hour clinic, watched the Videos on how to properly keep score, and are now ready to help your team do it's part in assuring that players in the APA Phoenix Metro Pool League are accurately rated in their skill level.

 Why are the Scorekeeping Clinics so important?

     One of the best parts of playing in the APA Pool League is that we have the most fair handicap system in existence. Making sure the equalizer handicap system is used properly is essential to it working the way it was designed to. Our score keeping clinics will ensure you are keeping score the right way, that will in turn, make sure skill levels are right on every player. You will also learn many things about the rules of the APA and how things are done in our local league area. Not to mention the points each team earns for each player that attends a clinic.

How to become a Certified Scorekeeper.

 Pick a time and a date from the posted schedule that works best for you. We will only be conducting 2 clinics per session,usually at the beginning or during playoffs. When you have picked the clinic you want to attend, Show up a few minutes early to get registered. Registration will end at the beginning of the clinic and you must plan on staying to the end. Clinics will last for 2 hours, including the 40 minutes of videos.  There is a lot of information packed into that short time space and we don't want you to miss anything. If you are attending a clinic on the same night as your league, tell your captain you are unavailable to play until the clinic is over. 


 Links to the videos: (It's a great Idea to watch these every 6 months or so!)
Schedule of Scorekeeping Clinics for  2020 Summer Session
To Be Announced

 Allow 2-1/2 hrs for the Clinics. Please choose one that you can attend from start to finish.  
No need to watch the videos, they will be shown at the clinic. These will be the only clinics held until the beginning of the Summer Session. Score keeping Certification will be good permanently, meaning you will only have to attend once.  Certifications can be revoked if you are continually not following good scorekeeping practices.