About APA Phoenix Metro:



My wife Gina and I would like to welcome you to the APA Phoenix Metro website. We are dedicated to providing a fun and exciting pool league to the pool players that live here in the "Valley of the Sun". We are convinced that APA is the most fun and fair league out there. You will not find a better value for your entertainment dollar.




    First and foremost, 270,000 pool players can't be wrong. Thats right! APA has 270,000 members playing on leagues In North America and Japan. That is more Amateur pool players than all the other pool leagues combined.


   We are the one true family, fun league. Playing in the APA is the best way to meet new friends while having a fantastic time with old friends. You really do have a chance to win every time you play. No matter what your skill level, and no matter what your opponent's skill level, thanks to the Equalizer® Handicap System, anyone can win. We also have more going on than any other league in the area. We have at least one tournament each and every month, and usually multiple tournaments. Our "On the road to Vegas" tournaments are guaranteed to make you smile. Not only are you playing for a chance to go to Las Vegas for free, but we run free raffles and a variety of "Out of the Ordinary" pool games.


    Then there's always the money. APA Phoenix Metro pays out more than $17,000 in cash and awards per session. We play 3 sessions per year. Thats more than $50,000 per year just for the session winning teams and Top gun players. Then, on top of that, each year we will send  8-Ball and 9-BallTeams, as well as Jack and Jill doubles teams to the APA National Championships held in Las Vegas. The 8-Ball and 9-Ball teams are awarded cash on winning their slot, then receive more cash when they get to Las Vegas to use any way they want. The team's entry fees are paid as well as their rooms while they are playing in their events. Prize money, trophies and Vegas trips just locally from APA Phoenix Metro, adds up to well over $50,000. APA nationally pays out over $1.6 million dollars per year in areas all over North America.


No wonder APA Phoenix Metro is the fastest growing amateur pool league in Maricopa County. The question isn't why join APA Phoenix Metro, It's why NOT  join APA Phoenix Metro.



The APA is by far and away the world’s largest amateur pool league. Click here for information on the history of the APA.